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Q: What if I was not wearing a seat belt at the time of my accident? Can I still recover damages?

A: In this case, it depends on the state.  In some states, not wearing a seatbelt can reduce the potential of compensation, on the basis that people suffer more injuries when now wearing a seat belt during an accident.  In Connecticut this is not the case.

Q: Should I release my medical records to another driver’s insurance adjuster?

A: Absolutely not, this could hurt your case.  Medical records should only be signed under limited circumstances and after consulting with a lawyer at Jackson O’Keefe.

Q: If I file a personal injury claim, will I have to go to court?

A: In most situations, if another driver’s insurance agrees to pay what your attorney believes you case is worth, and you wish to settle at that amount, then your case will not go to court.  You will on the other hand have to if there is a disagreement.

Q: What if I believe the accident I was in was at least partly my fault?

A: It is best to not say anything until talking to your attorney.  After an accident you may not be in the best position to assess what actually happened.  Accepting blame and apologizing to another driver may be used as evidence against you in a trial.  Leave it to a judge or jury to decide who is at fault.