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PERSONAL INJURY LAW: Superior Court judge awards $76,000.00 for pit bull attack injuries

A construction worker at a condominium complex was attacked by a pit bull.  The dog bit him and knocked him backward onto the ground, causing injuries to his right shoulder, neck and back.  An MRI revealed a torn rotator cuff of the right shoulder.  Although surgery was recommended, the plaintiff did not proceed with the surgery.  He also had a small permanent scar on his left thigh from the dog bite.  He treated with a chiropractor for his back injury.

The court awarded $16,100.00 in economic damages and $60,000.00 in non-economic damages, as well as costs of $588.00.  The defendant dog owner did not appear and was defaulted.  The condominium association settled prior to the courtside trial.

Garmakani v. Hollister Munn & Bunker Hill Properties, LLC, February 11, 2016